Saturday, April 12, 2014



I'm having a tough day. No, scratch that. A tough entire semester. All I want is to cry and sleep and watch TV and have my mom and dad take care of me. I WANT TO BE A CHILD AGAIN.

They said we'd wish it back. Well here I am, not even graduated college yet, and I already want my elementary-age life back.

I wish for the days where I could be sick and out of school for two days and not have to worry about work piling up. Not having to push through because even though I'm sick and need to rest and sleep, I have a paper due in a day and a half that I, at this point, have made zero actual progress on. I want my mom to cook me soup and bring me a blanket and tell me how sorry she is that I'm feeling awful.

And so this is me right now, crying in a library because I should be working on some stupid paper that I really don't give a rat's butt about. Make that TWO papers. Okay, I'll be honest, there's actually 3 papers. And a quiz. And a final...all this week.
Not to mention that now, after sending in my passport renewal forms an ENTIRE MONTH AGO, the government has just told me that no, I can't do that, I have to do it another way. SORRY THAT YOUR WEBSITE SUCKS AND NEVER TOLD ME THAT. And now maybe I won't have a passport by the time I am leaving on a freaking plane for Honduras. I literally don't have time for this. Or the mental capacity to think about one more dang thing.

It's really hard for me to not give up on everything in my life right now, so if you're reading this, could you take a moment to pray for me? I can't tell you how much I would appreciate that. Or bring me tissues or come give me a hug (but that's a long shot).

Now, to get back to my paper(s). Thanks for letting me vent, internet. You're great.

Peace & Blessings

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