Monday, August 12, 2013

Psalm 46:10

Last night, I was challenged with a verse.

Psalm 46:10
"Be still, and know that I am God."

There is so much in those few words.

Be still.
It's calming. It means that you're not focused on other things that might keep you busy. You're not anxious, thinking about what's next, fiddling your fingers.
It's a command. It speaks power, while not being a harsh demand. And commands come from authority. He is in control.
It shows that the speaker has much knowledge, as though He knows that there is nothing else truly more important at the time than what He has to say.

Know that I am God.
It seems kind of redundant at first. Like, okay, we know this already. You are God. But then the more you mull it over and realize the gravity and the full implications of the statement, you start to understand how incredible this "redundant" fact is. He is God. Omnipotent, omniscient, good, loving, just, faithful, Creator, holy, Alpha and Omega, and I could go on for so long....
It is implied that this is all we need to know:  He is God. If this is all, then what does this mean to us? It should fully satisfy us, fulfill us, be the very Bread of Life and Living Water. He is telling us that He is all we need. Something that in our culture is absurd.
It is starkly humbling. There is nothing in here about us. It doesn't say, know that I am God and, oh yeah, you are great too! It is 100% on God. It doesn't matter who we are, because He is God. Our identity is found through Him, so to know who we are all we must know is who He is. Through this we understand we are God's children, but without His sacrifice, unable to know Him or be with Him because we have fallen short. It's not about what we can accomplish, or how much we have already. It is about Him. This is so hard to get through our puny little minds (I know it is especially difficult for me to fully understand since my biggest struggle is with pride...).

I love this verse, and I hope that God will show me new truths through it every time I read it.

Thanks to the friend that shared it. :) It was wonderful to start being able to quiet my mind (with God's help) and try to just focus on Him and Him only.

Peace & Blessings

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