Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Embrace not accept

As usual, this was kicked off by a song. NEEDTOBREATHE's song "Let Us Love." The very first line hit me like a brick of lead:

We were born to EMBRACE not accept it...

Now you might be thinking that this is very vague. Yeah, it kind of is. But I was talking to someone this week who was saying that we don't usually think about just being thankful and in awe that God made a way for us to get to Him at all- no matter what way that is.

I'm going to take a step back and explain why it hit me in this way so hard.

So I've been dealing with all these doubts recently, about hell and what it means for Christians and non-Christians and trying to understand God's justice on a head and a heart level. (That's the extremely short version, you're very welcome.)

And lately I've been getting to the point of realizing that, you know what, as much as I would love it if God came down and gave me detailed answers to every single theological question I pose, that just isn't something that's going to happen (not that He couldn't, or doesn't want to, but it's just not going to happen). In the deepest parts of my heart and mind, I know that at the end of the day, I want to run to Him because I love Him and I know He loves me and He has died and done everything for me just so that I can be with Him. But on a more surface level, it is difficult for me to reconcile everything between my head and my heart. So, I've been wondering- do I just have to accept that this is the way it is? And when I say this, I almost say it with a hint of bitterness, or of "oh well, what other choice do I have?" Wow, that seems like no way to "just accept" everything that God and Christ has done for me, since the very beginning of time itself.

...coming back to the EMBRACE not ACCEPT thought. Shouldn't I be exceedingly thankful, joyful, and awed that my God has done so much for me and for every inhabitant of this earth, being so willing to sacrifice to forgive all our sins? Shouldn't I be over-excitedly hugging and praising rather than begrudgingly shaking hands and saying "well, if that's really how it has to be..."?

Answer:  YES. I need to take some time to reflect on how amazing my God is and how much he cares for each person on this crazy earth. I need time to focus on who He is- Love, Goodness, Justice, Joy...

I don't want to begrudgingly accept everything. I want to stand in awe and offer unending prayers of thanksgiving. BECAUSE HE DESERVES IT!!! He deserves the glory, no matter if it means I end up in heaven or not.

The analogy that my friend used was that God is on top of this mountain and we are all at the bottom. Now, there are many paths, but say only one leads to Him. Now maybe I start off on the wrong path and end in a dead end, and so do a lot of my friends. Am I going to be mad? Well, maybe a little at the time...BUT, I still know that there IS, in face, some way up the mountain. There is a way to God, and that in itself is AMAZING!!

But now my eyes tire, and at 2 blog posts in, I am pretty "talked" out. More food for thought.

If, somehow, we could wake up...let us love!
Peace & Blessings

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