Tuesday, January 28, 2014

We weren't created to be alone

We weren't meant to go it alone.

We were made first in a relationship with the Father. Then we were given a partner. Man first has God, then man has woman. And woman, of course, has both too.

Life isn't easy and we need to be able to talk. Talk about what's wrong, about what's good, what we regret, what we hope with all of our strength for.

I hide. A lot. Used to be more often than not. My first instinct is to run away, get away from whatever bad is bothering me. And I've just now realized that this is 5 year-old logic. KIDS run away. So why do I think it's okay, even if it's just emotional running?

But sometimes everything breaks and you're just not okay. You're just not and you have to admit it and just be not okay for a while. We have to talk about it, get it out, put words to it so that we realize how real it is. Once we realize that it's there and it's not going anywhere until we do something about it, there's a weight lifted off our shoulders.

Say something, I'm giving up on you...

Don't make someone say this to you. Say it. Be honest. Why?
1) It could save your life. There's nothing funny about thoughts to remove yourself from a situation, especially if they're as drastic as self-harm.
2) Someone else might be going through the same thing. Maybe they're too afraid to talk about it and just need some nudging.
3) Shoving feelings down all the time means eventually they have to come up. They don't just magically disappear. Deal with them when they happen.
4) If you stay closed off all the time, you're bound to lose people you care about. It makes them think that you don't see them as trustworthy or close enough to hold your worst moments.
5) People in your life that care about you...they will worry. They will blame themselves. Let them in, if just a little. Why? Because they care. They genuinely care.

Random thoughts after I had a breakdown on Sunday. I had to get it out. Maybe you should too.

Peace & Blessings

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