Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Exciting updates!

I forgot to mention something very important in my last post, probably because I was dead tired (but had to get those thoughts out).

But...I GOT THE INTERNSHIP! This summer I will be in Honduras serving as a ministry intern for a program called LT, or Leadership Training. Two months of learning how to lead, serving the community, and growing in my faith by putting myself in a place and position that is entirely uncomfortable. Two months of trusting that God not only can, but he will, of discerning if a life of ministry tied to out-of-country service is feasible. In that way, it's killing two birds with one stone:

1) For a while now, at least from the end of my high school career, I've felt a calling or some sort of urging towards working with people in some place other than the USA.
Now, I want to be sure you know something. A lot of people have talked to me/asked me about this. I know that there are many people that need our help right here in the US. I am not denying this by saying that I want to go elsewhere. In ten years, I might very well be in the heart of Detroit or in some rural community in Appalachia. But right now, my heart is not in this country. This is part of why I am so excited about going to Honduras. To see if this is where my heart is drawn, in reality and not just in thought; to see how out-of-country mission work looks.
2) I've also felt, and this is more recently, called to ministry. When I finally completely opened up to God this past October and got baptized, I started really listening for the first time in a while. And what I heard was actually something I'd had in the back of my mind for quite some time and something quite a few people have suggested to me...seminary. For the first time, it seemed like something I really wanted and something I really felt called to, instead of before just being some little option when I retired. I'd always thought too, if I was going to do some out-of-country mission/service work long-term, I would want some sort of professional training and additional Biblical knowledge before I went out there on my own (of course, with God, but I suppose I'd wanted to have it all backed or "ye of little faith"?). Don't know why I never seriously considered seminary. But anyways, this trip will also put me in a leadership position within the church and allow me to see what it looks like to serve by leading.

However, this internship looks a little different than others. It's "paid"- but by support raising. That means I need help! Not only do I need help, but I need a whole lot of faith and trust in God. I think that is going to be the most challenging part, but also the aspect I will get the most out of. I am nervous but extremely excited to see how God grows my relationship with Him over these next few months as I rely on Him to provide (through His beautiful servants and angels here on earth)!

Here's where it starts. I am attending an Intern Conference on "Ministry Team Development," aka support raising, January 18-20 right here in Columbus, and there they will help me with the logistics and the basics of raising money to get me to Honduras.

I've calculated it and it seems I will need to raise around $7500 for my time there. This includes the cost of the program itself (lodging, meals, the intern training), pay each week, and my flight there and back. It seems like a lot, I know, and it does terrify me to think about. EEEK! But, God is good. God is faithful and if He truly has called me here and really wants me there, He will make it happen- of that I am 100% positive. :)

I've been super encouraged by hearing about websites that help people like me reach out into the community to raise money for their causes and ambitions. Well, I am going to check out that scene! I am in the process right now of setting up a Fundly account and will have a link posted on here soon. Aahhh! And here is the link to my Fundly page!

And, if you keep up with my blog here, I'm going to be doing a series of posts over the next few weeks (and beyond) to tell you all a little more about me, about what God's been teaching or showing me, and the things I dream about doing in the future. I would never want you guys to blindly support me without knowing all there is to know. (Also, always feel free to comment and ask questions.) If you want more information about GCM (the ministry organization that leads my church, h2o, in Columbus, OH, and who leads the LT programs) or about Honduras LT specifically, click on the links on their names!

I cannot WAIT to see where God takes this support raising and how He transforms my heart over the next few months!

Much Love,
Peace & Blessings

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