Sunday, December 29, 2013

"I'll take your place...

...when the world ends, and you'll take Mine.
'Cause when it all ends, I want you to be free- free like [I made you to be]."
Cary Brothers, 'Free Like You Make Me'

It's a love story, isn't it?
A love story, starring God. It's really all about Him anyways. We, mankind, are the undeserving woman, but one He pursues and sacrificed to save. We are the proud, forcibly independent, unfaithful woman that may never love Him back or understand His goodness and reasoning behind it all, that He chooses to love anyways. He blesses us in so many ways and we choose to call it 'coincidence' or 'luck.' We live as though bound, as though our life is our own...when we should live freely, as we were made to live; without fear of death, for what is to come is a clean bill.

He's not asking us to sit around and be boring. This whole world is His, meaning, because we are heirs, that the whole world is ours. If we explore, if we just go and we learn, or we grow, or we touch others lives or they touch ours, tell me what part of that is bad? I was realizing this as I was watching the movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty this evening.

1) It's not about us finding out that we have this amazing talent that someone else has that we think is really cool. We find what we are supposed to do. What we excel at. Be you, not someone else.
2) There are people that will help us on our way. They might not be the people we expect, or society expects/approves of, but they are there for a reason.
3) The biggest thing holding you back is yourself. If you keep saying or thinking that you can't do something, you'll never try. Sometimes you gotta let go a little and just ride. You're more than you know.
4) There isn't some one "right way" to do life. Sure, a lot of people have this specific life order and yeah most people follow it but it's truthfully different for everyone. So, you don't want to do anything with your degree. So, you don't have an immediate plan for when you graduate. End of the world? NO. Now keep telling yourself that. And don't give up.
5) God is here for you. HERE. Not waiting at the end to see if you make it down the "right path" or not. He's here every step of the way. And He loves you just like the confused person you are.

He made us to be free. So why do we act and feel so tied up all the time? WE'RE FREE.

Peace & Blessings

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