Friday, November 1, 2013

We're a part of His will! HIS PERFECT WILL.

All of a sudden it just HIT me.

God has a good, pleasing, and perfect will, and I get to be a part of it!!!

Maybe it was glancing at a text and seeing only the words "perfect" and "will." Or maybe knowing that I decided to go with some plans for tonight but God had known that all along and was constructing something bigger than I could have known!

Maybe it's seeing the changes in other people's lives, in my own. Seeing that other people want to love people too, and are actively doing it. (Thank you to whatever Jewish society on campus was handing out free falafel on the Oval today - mmmm that hit the spot!) Maybe it's loving people for their potential rather than for the person they are acting out as. Maybe it's "doing life" with people around us...being involved with them, loving them, and sometimes feeling the love back.

And maybe, just's getting the plank out of my own eye before I try to extract the splinter from others'.

All I know is that right now, I feel extremely loved and honored to be a part of whatever God has planned for my life, or even just the rest of my days left on this campus.

I want to love people right. I know I'm not doing that....God, help me to love them like You love them, see them as You see them, give them mercy and grace just as You gave me. Because as I keep finding out over and over, I'm not able to do it alone.

This right here is amazing. "Blessed Are The Merciful" by Beautiful Eulogy. Hits every part of me.

"Are you merciful? Why? Because Jesus healed the sick, because Jesus fed the multitudes, because Jesus gave legs to the crippled, because Jesus gave sight to the blind, because Jesus opened the ears of the deaf, because Jesus found prostitutes and tax collectors and drew them into the sphere of His love, because Jesus touched the untouchable and loved the unlovable and forgave the unforgivable and welcomed the undesirable, because Jesus even now saves the otherwise un-saveable...Why? Because they deserve it?! When the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared He saved us, not because of works done in righteousness, not because we met Him half-way, not because we took the proper steps forward and in good faith have elevated ourselves to the place of the undeserving poor, but according to His MERCY....
We are here because Jesus Christ didn't say with cold indifference, 'Give them what they deserve, they brought it on themselves.' Jesus Christ IS the mercy of God. And seeing us in our misery and need, He doesn't just feel for us, He takes the necessary action to relieve our distress. He leaves the eternal glory of heaven and the perfect fellowship of the Trinity, He condescends TO us, lives AMONG us, suffers LIKE us, dies FOR us! Do you understand this? Have you EXPERIENCED this? How then is it possible to experience it, and not display it? IT ISN'T POSSIBLE! You haven't experienced it if you don't display it! The evidence of God's mercy in your life isn't determined by how much theology you know, by how many books you read, but by your ACTIVE GOODNESS to people in misery and in need. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy."

To whomever is reading this:  please go download Beautiful Eulogy's albums on and take a listen. The lyrics are powerful and Gospel-focused. They're challenging. They're...beautiful. Praise God for their talent.

God, open my eyes, fill my heart and remind me of why I'm love You and to love others, to love them enough to want them to be with You too...

Peace & Blessings

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