Saturday, June 15, 2013


Haven't posted in a while. Guess too much has been going on and I haven't been taking the time to sort all my thoughts and feelings out on here.

One thing I know:  God has blessed me ever so much and wants the best for me. And yes, the best for me happens to be God himself. And who can argue with that logic?

Here I am. Laying in my bed past 2 am, unable to sleep, and I have to get up at 6. To volunteer, which I've been excited about for over a month now.

And now I'm wrestling with feelings. But like I was just reminded by in a post on facebook, God has perfect timing, knows far better than we do, and is FAITHFUL. I need help with my patience because most of the time, I'd rather take things into my own hands, maybe making mistakes, instead of waiting on direction. But not this time. I feel reassured.

Although I question whether some things are signs:  same priorities >> same interests. Yes. And then this....maybe I think too much. (OK, I know I do, shhh.)

I really should sleep now but I feel restless. Hopefully sleep comes to me soon.

P.S. Green River Ordinance is a freaking sweet band. Take a listen.

Peace & Blessings

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