Thursday, May 2, 2013

So far!

Two people loving the Lord makes instant connections. I love it!

However, my time here has already challenged me by forcing me to look at the ways in which I act and how that affects others.
Mainly, in trusting others. I believe that, perhaps for quite a while now, God has been challenging me to humble myself. This might mean during a group project I would have to back off and trust people to do what they were assigned. I'm worried that when this is applied to school it will mean giving up my grades...which is something I just cannot bear to do. I suppose it's one thing I find my identity in. If I'm not the A+ student, sometimes I fail to see who I am. Which I realize is a very skewed view of myself and even what is important in life. But hey, that's where I'm at right now.

Also, I'm pretty terrified right now.

Because I'm afraid that this foreign workshop will tell me that this is not what I'm meant to do. But...then what do I do? I guess I had kind of planned on this being what I turned to. Which means I'm not trusting God with my future...just giving myself the illusion that I was. I guess this is another thing I need God's help with.

Otherwise I'm really enjoying the company and the time in Michigan! :)

Peace & Blessings

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