Sunday, July 6, 2014

Only three weeks left...

And I wish that there were so many more...

Gosh dang, I love these kids so much. And if I'm being honest, I've never felt more loved while sitting in church when one of the girls is leaning on me while we sing a worship song in Spanish. Even if it's so hot in there that not even the fans are helping. I don't want to leave (everyone back at home called that one, haha), I'd be happy if I could stay here forever and work with the kids and help at the church. I've been thinking about how to become a tia [aunt] to the third orphanage house (currently unoccupied, but they pray every day that we could take in more kids that need it) since the second day of work here.

I mean, back at home I have plans for one semester and then I'm graduated. DONE. With no current plans. Okay, I technically have plans that I've had for a while now but it depends on acceptances and such. It's not in stone. And I've always felt called out of the country- and for longer term...

I want these kids to know that they are loved and that they have a Heavenly Father up above that cares for them and cries to see them in pain. I want the community members to know that there is a power out there that gives them an unbreakable hope, no matter their situation.

This song by Jenny & Tyler just came on while I was typing and it's so true sometimes...(called "Dreaming Of Peace")

it's hard to face reality, so I'll just keep on dreaming
It's plain to see that we don't have the answers
But we think we know and so it goes,
And it's plain to see that we don't have it together
We think we know and so it goes on
While we're standing in the streets
they're fighting off disease
I'm in the comfort of my bed
not dealing with a shred of
this war between nations
and this war against nature
it's a battlefield that I've never seen...

But now I've seen some of it, even if it's just the surface of it all. And I still can't say that I understand it, or have the answers to fix it. But I cannot deny that it is there, it is bad, and it is not right to not do anything about it. We cannot stand by and let our fellow man suffer. This is my proof:  my time here. I hope that it is some proof for you too. There are so many different ways to help, but the biggest is love and prayer. And if you are able to go, GO. Something I've been reminded of so strongly here is how much our stuff, our things, material things, that we cling to are NOT ours.

Biggest news is that the orphanage received a new girl this week!!! Her name is Maybis Gabriela, we call her Gaby. She is nearly 10 years old and she is the most precious. The other kids have been pretty good to her, which is so good to see. Almost makes you forget about her situation when you see her smile...but then there are moments like this. I was sitting with her in her (and other girls') room when we were having a birthday party for one of the other girls. I asked her why she didn't want to join the party and she didn't answer me at first, but looked really sad so I just sat there and held her close. Eventually I asked if she wanted to talk about it, she nodded, so I asked what was going on. And right before she burst into tears, she said that she missed her brothers and sisters...all I could do was shed some tears with her and tell her how much I wished that things were different for her. But that she was safe here and loved. And that I was so sorry...

These little kids have been through so much more than we could imagine in their short time here. It's heartbreaking to hear their stories. Almost all of them are really behind in school because their guardians just didn't care enough to get them there. A lot of them are underdeveloped emotionally, and nearly all are way smaller than they should be due to bad nutrition in the years in which it is most crucial. But their smiles every day are the most beautiful things I have ever seen. And when they care for each other it's hard to believe all they've been through.

Please pray for these kids. Pray for all the LTers here because none of us want to leave these children. Pray for all the soon-to-be parents and that they would take care of the kids. For the mothers who get left, pregnant and alone, because in this culture it can be a sign of "manliness" to get a woman pregnant and then leave. For the fathers, who have left...for their souls. That they would find Jesus...

And pray for my friend Paola here- I can't even begin to talk about her past. She's 22 and has lost her parents and hasn't seen her three younger siblings in 5 years. She's going to see her 10 year old brother today in the hospital to give him blood because he lost a lot in an accident of sorts...she has such a beautiful heart.

Peace & Blessings

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