Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Still Transforming

The future feels more tangible now.

More fear is turning into faith.

But as the future becomes more tangible, so does the reality of leaving the people I love here in Columbus, in Wadsworth.

We like to keep things steady. Keep things the way they are because we feel safe in that place. I feel safe here...though not quite fulfilled. There's always something yearning, though I don't know exactly what for.

But I digress...what I actually meant to talk about was how excited I am about the changes I am seeing all around me (ironic, considering what I just said above). I have never felt God so much in one place. Through the stories of life transformation we hear at church every Sunday, seeing people respond to community needs and suffering all over the world, to people in h2o loving on each other just because. I see people with a constant burning passion for God, a passion that allows them to serve and love and live a life on mission. Every day I am seeing people slowly changing into the people God wants them to be. And that reminds me that this here, this is a beautiful world.

I think too much of the bad, of the selfish, and not enough of the good that you can see in little pockets of the world. And I think good deeds and love can be spread almost as easily as selfishness and hate.

I have to keep thinking that, or I'm scared that all hope is lost.

But it is a beautiful world because no matter what, God is still changing hearts. And those hearts can change others and before you know it, we're all loving on each other and supporting each other.

Much love. Peace & Blessings

Sunday, November 17, 2013

First World "problems" Rant

So much going on in my mind right now.

Mostly having to do with this whole thing of "first world problems" and this generation....but God's love and grace too. You have to take the first with the second in mind or I think you'd go crazy. (See paragraphs below for evidence of this, haha.)

It makes me feel hopeless sometimes. Okay...when I say sometimes, I mean more like every time I really let my mind meditate on the state of this world. It's the reason I don't want to bring children into this world (rather, I've been thinking a lot more about adoption; they're already in it).

It sickens me. We are broken, awful, wretched, hateful people that don't give a care in the world for anyone but ourselves and maybe a few others (please know that I am including myself here). We are the luckiest and most blessed people in the world - financially, provisionally, and governmentally (freedoms). So what do we do? We complain. We ask for, no, demand more. We go on with our lives thinking that we can satisfy our cravings with the next gadget, the next culinary expedition, or the next relationship. And we do all this while glued to our phones that we "can't live without," while looking through our overly stocked pantries saying "I've got nothing to eat," while skipping classes and complaining about how much we "have" to learn, while begging our parents for a little more money or digging into our savings so that we can keep up eating out as much as we do (guilty), while dating in an attempt to "satisfy" our need to be loved physically and emotionally, binge drinking because that's how you "fit in" around here or because you just can't bear all the stress, while meeting people and developing relationships just to get ahead, and spending our free time plopped on the couch watching Netflix or scrolling through Buzzfeed.

We don't care about people. We care about ourselves and our happiness. But, perhaps what starts to scare each of us at a different time in our own life is that no matter what we do, what we get, we can't make ourselves truly happy. I think most of the time when we say we're "really quite happy," we're lying to ourselves. (I just realized that this sounds extremely cynical and depressing...bear with me. It's the mood I'm in; heck, it's just the truth of the world.) Happiness is fleeting; what we really, honestly crave is JOY not HAPPINESS. And guess what? JOY is not going to come out of a self-centered, worldly life. If anything, that is something I'm sure of. Joy is born of hope. And if there's one thing this world can't offer us, it's an everlasting hope.

Then this "first world problems" thing that's been popular recently...have we no shame?! It's in the name...that it's not really a problem at all. Yet the popularity of the saying has given us a reason to say all these stupid problems anyways. Example:  "Ended up watching a TV show I didn't want to watch because the remote was out of reach. #firstworldproblems"
Like I said....have we no shame?
It's not a secret that there are millions of children around the world suffering in the agony of unadulterated starvation every day. Yet we have the audacity to say after a few hours without a meal that we're "absolutely starving" and then go on to indulge our hunger with a humungous Chipotle burrito that we didn't even think about not having the money for which to pay. I think, honestly, what this saying is doing is helping us further increase the distance between our world and the world that hungers, that suffers injustices of basic human rights, that has never known a functional society, that doesn't even have the access to clean water...
Let's be honest. I think most of us do want to get away from those "third world problems." We don't want to have to think about anything that makes us uncomfortable, that makes us question the way we've been richly living and frivolously spending our entire lives, that challenges our basic beliefs, because if we are okay with letting these people die of starvation when we throw away half a meal because we "don't like eating leftovers," that makes us look like not-so-good people. And we don't want to think that we aren't good people, because when the cashier asks if you'd like to donate a dollar to some charity you say why not? and you volunteered for a few hours on MLK day and oh yeah, you lent your friend $20 and never asked for it back...and so this, this folly to not help those who are literally living off of nothing, this makes us bad people and we can't quite be okay with that.

We live our lives thinking that there are good people, and there are bad people.

Guess what? I think that as long as there are people suffering out there, we are all bad people. Plus, we've all sinned...our sins might be different from our neighbor's sins, but they are still sins. There is something we must understand before we can change:  WE ARE BAD PEOPLE. From birth. There's no escape from it.

God...Jesus...they know it. They knew it well enough to know that we needed saving. God didn't want His creation, His most wonderful work, to be eternally separated from Him because of our human nature that leads to mistakes and sin and tragedy. Jesus took it on himself to die the most horrible of deaths so that we didn't have to be separate- that we could be seen in God's eyes as GOOD. Blameless. Holy. Pure. Righteous. Though it is so clear that we are not.

And THAT my friends, THAT is why there is hope.

So you ask, what does that have to do with anything else you've been talking about?

Everything. We have been shown incredible amounts of mercy and love and grace. What do we do with that? Most of us show it to others a little...but mostly just sit there with it, scared that if we do anything it'll get noticed and taken away or something silly like that. What are we to do? SHOW IT. God has shown us mercy...so we can show others mercy. God has loved us...so that we can show love to other people.

Jesus gave us a charge- to care for the widow, the orphan, the poor, the powerless.
James 1:27  Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
Isaiah 1:17  Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.
Hebrews 13:1-2  Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.

We are called to take care of people. We don't do it well. I want to do it better. But I can't do it alone! It is God in me, the Holy Spirit, that empowers me to serve, that has given me a love and a passion for it. Others in the body of the church encourage me and serve with me. I hope that I can get others excited about serving too. That is my goal. I love seeing people on fire for service! I think it is the most beautiful quality. That and humility. (Though I feel like they go hand in hand usually, though I still work on the humility part myself...I can be quite proud.)

Like I told my youth pastor back in 7th grade at a youth conference (I don't know if you remember this, Kaye!), I want to change the world. But by loving and serving, and getting people excited about the two, not by earthly power. And only through God, because I know I don't have what it takes to do this on my own. God has a plan, and I might just be a little part, but I am PSYCHED to be a little part :)

If you guys see me and I am not living this out...remind me of it! Rebuke me in love! I need it!

Much love. Peace & Blessings

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Today's sermon was great. There were some wonderful questions posed:

How have you seen God protecting you in your life?
How has God been providing for you?
Have we given up hope that there is someone out there that is always going to be there (i.e., God)?

I'll try to go into some of these in another post. What I wanted to talk about before I fall asleep is the activity we did at the end of the sermon. Our pastor asked us to take little cards out of our bulletins and use them like a "thank you" card to God for all he's done for us, because it's been a lot. I was able to open up more to him about why I'm scared about the future and how I feel about everything going on that seems to be threatening what I thought He was asking me to do. I hadn't really talked to Him about it so I think it was much needed and refreshing.

And what hit me was that the main reason (or at least, one of them) that I was so concerned about having my whole future figured out now was because that's just what the world expects. Waiting for God to respond and just being patient for that in the meantime is borderline if not full out crazy in our world. And so I'm scared how the world (which, being raised here, much of that is in me too) will react to me not being figured out, to me not loving money and not craving a regular job that allows me to provide for the "standard" family that one must have.

It was at that moment I realized how thankful I was that God is not like this world. He is all the things the world doesn't quite understand:  unwavering love that does not choose, peace beyond anything we could imagine, and so much more. He is the Father that has never harmed us or insulted us or let us down, even on accident. Not even once. And you know what? That is so awesome. And we can't really understand it. Billy Graham said this:  "There's a lot of things about salvation I don't understand. But that's okay." We don't get it but I think that's part of the magic.

We also talked about His sacrifice on the cross and how since He's given His son, why would He withhold any small thing? (Answer:  if it's not for our good, which is a whole other blog post sometime later.) This chorus in a song during communion this morning broke me down when I really let the words sink in:

Oh to be like You,
Give all I have just to know you,
Jesus there's no one besides You,
Forever the hope in my heart.

He really gave everything. Just to know us. Even for the people he knew were never going to love Him. Simply. Amazing.

But I need to sleep now. I apologize if this is jumbled (took Benadryl, hardly awake).

Peace & Blessings

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Been learning so much!

Here are some things that have been wonderful reminders to me in the last few days:

1)  "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20b
That is so personal. So loving. So comforting! We are never alone. God promises to be right with us, right by our sides always, all the way to the end. SURELY He is with us ALWAYS.

2)  Anchor of my soul, You sustain, You sustain...when I'm in the storm, You remain, You remain good to me, good to me.
I put this in the post before, but it's so good. Even when our life situation isn't the best, God is still good. That is pretty cool to know. We are anchored in truth, in love, in a God that never changes, never fails, and never stops loving on us. He REMAINS. He SUSTAINS.

3)  Life and heart transformation is NOT something we can do- it's something that God does in us! AND, it comes from a lifestyle of humility!
God can combat my pride and selfishness and make me more aware of them so that we, God and I, can fight those together!
I think on Friday He helped me see this with a little slap in the face (that I dealt out) that made me realize how selfish and prideful (via another situation) I truly could be. It is an ugly part of me that I really do want to rid myself of.

4)  God has a plan and we get to be a part of it!! (The subject of my second to last post, I believe.)
He can use us, and DOES use us, and wow is that a privilege! I feel like He's been giving me a lot of opportunities to talk with people, get to know them, and help get people plugged in recently and that is SO COOL!

5)  I am loved. And if not on this earth, then always, unconditionally, and completely by my wonderful Father in heaven.
It has been crazy to really reflect back on this week and see the way that God has put people in my life that have been supporting me and loving me and really care how I'm doing. And God has provided so much truth to me in relatable ways through the rap/hip-hop group out of Portland, called Beautiful Eulogy. Their songs have blessed me in understanding God and His love more, and what being a Christian really means. Their words and thoughts have challenged me and I am so grateful for that.

6)  I feel like the Church would be a lot more relatable and welcoming if we Christians weren't always so HAPPY all the time...
Let me explain, because this sounds counterintuitive. Today in church we talked about struggles (pain and suffering) and what these mean in our lives. We fill our lives many times with "things" so that we don't have to think about the pain around us or in us. But you know what? We are all, the entire earth, suffering through the brokenness together. TOGETHER. We should all have a place where we can talk about how sometimes, yeah, we're not doing okay. We're actually pretty beaten down and depressed. A lot of times I think as Christians we assume we have to be happy and have it all together. WE DON'T. We are suffering through the pain and brokenness of this world too. But I think people on the outside looking in think we think we're better than everything and that's why we act happy. I think if the church just came out and said, Yeah, we're struggling too! We get depressed sometimes, angry about things, we need to cry and yell too, that people would see that we're real too. I know that I (and I've heard from other Christians too) get intimidated by all the seemingly "happy and perfect" people milling around church on a Sunday. Sure, church is a happy time where we get to see everyone, but LET'S GET REAL. Let's deal with our things and I don't just mean on the inside.
Openness begets openness, so be open! Feel pain. Be sad. Let it out. And I think people will respect that. Not just respect, but relate to it.
The difference between Christians and people who do not believe (on the "happy" aspect) is that we as Christians know that right now, these sufferings are MEANINGFUL. Not for nothing, because we know that these sufferings promise a new world to come, like the pain of childbirth is bearable only because the mother knows that there is something good on the way- new life. We are comforted with peace, not only in the good times but in times of pain. We experience true joy, even when we are suffering. Peace and joy are not circumstantial- they are beyond that. Happiness and relaxedness are circumstantial.

7) Last one. As I was listening to the "slice of life" today (a personal testimony h2o church does before each sermon on Sundays), the girl shared how one of the staff shared the Gospel with her one day- and it changed her. It just HIT ME...people want this. They really want and crave the truth and love that is in Christ Jesus and His sacrifice. Not only do they want it, it changes everything. (**Not everyone wants it right now in this moment. But some do.)
I feel like God was really working on my heart with this one. Showing me that the Gospel isn't something that people are just tired of or scared of hearing...that it can really be wanted, that it can really do good. (I have no idea at all why I hadn't really known this before. I think God was getting it to a heart level knowing this time.) It is something that flips our lives around, takes everything we knew and asks, are you doing this for YOU? or for God? It challenges our pride, our selfishness, how we love people, how we live our daily lives.
In that moment sitting in the chair at church, I felt God show me His love. I felt Him showing me what it really looks like and the sheer power of His love and grace. Shattering my doubt. It all felt so real and perfect. I felt so loved.

Phew. There is more than this but I'm stopping here for the sake of you guys and I really need to study now...

Closing thought:  Jesus. Is. Amazing.

Peace & Blessings

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Days like this.

It's days like today that I wonder if something really is wrong with me.

Like, how could I forget so easily what I had said I'd do? How could I mess up and not know how to make it right...how do things just fly out of my mind and make me so fickle?

Is it just me? I'm not doing these things on purpose. People say you'll remember things that are important to you....but that is not always true. Heck, I remember the moment I heard the Blue October song "Into the Ocean" for the first time like it was yesterday, but I can't remember to keep in touch with a friend. What.

And then the pride...I try to apologize but my pride is like, how can I make me sound not as awful of a person? I mean, I suppose there were things that prevented what should have happened...when really I should just shut up, be humble and say sorry without a "but" on the end. I make mistakes- DEAL WITH IT, SELF.

And so now I feel like I've thrown a glass at the ground and it's shattered into a thousand pieces and I just stare at it. My first thought is, throw some glue at it! Let's try the only way to fix it that I know how. But things take time and I have to deal with my mistake and give some time. I'm not patient. (I'm not proud of that either.)

I feel dark and gray and cold and beaten down. Hopeless at points. With this, with studying, with my walk with God, with my emotions, with the sad state of this campus...with how I act on a day to day basis that is so NOT representative of Jesus and His love. I make myself sick.

And here I am again; I thought I was done with this. With having those all-too-familiar moments of self-hate (do we all face this at some point?). And please don't get me wrong- not self-harm. NEVER self-harm. I hate what and who I am in this world, I hate that I can't change myself from the selfish, forgetful, fickle, annoying, fearful person I am. It's deep-seeded and it's overwhelming. I know that I'll crawl out of it eventually, every time, but it gets tiring facing it all.

And here now I'm going to put it out there...I always tell people my biggest fear is balding (I know, weird) or not living up to my full purpose. But right now it's not. As silly as it sounds to myself and most others, my biggest fear is that I have some sort of emotional-level problem (a very very mild bipolar disorder or something). This is hard for me to say. I have been dealing with my whole "all-or-nothing" mentality for the last year and a half now (dealing in a sense that I've just realized it, though I can see it back through most of my life) and I think that part of me is so desperate to have something to blame that on...that it's not my personality, it's some sort of a disorder...that I'd even consider something as drastic as that. I can't believe I'm even saying it. I think I treat this blog like a psychiatrist sometimes...

Anchor of my soul, You sustain, You sustain...when I'm in the storm, You remain, You remain good to me, good to me. [Beautiful Eulogy's "Anchor"]

But then I'm reminded of things like this, things like The Well on Thursday (that it isn't our own power that causes our life and heart transformation, but it is God and his mercy), things that show me that God is near and with me even in these dark moments, even when I'm not trusting Him well. Even when I am literally shaking because I don't know my next move. Even when I think I might be a little messed up or out of control.

But I WILL NOT BE PARALYZED THIS TIME. Not with fear, not with hopes of running away from all of it....I will run to God and He will comfort me. He will change me. He will give me confidence and hope that chases away all the fear I harbor inside the very fibers of my being. I will be honest and loving and hope that that makes a way for clarity and newness. I will love myself because God loves me. I will not participate in self-deprication unless it leads to true, Godly repentance.

This is my hope and my prayer. I'm thirsty for Your mercy.

Peace & Blessings

Friday, November 1, 2013

We're a part of His will! HIS PERFECT WILL.

All of a sudden it just HIT me.

God has a good, pleasing, and perfect will, and I get to be a part of it!!!

Maybe it was glancing at a text and seeing only the words "perfect" and "will." Or maybe knowing that I decided to go with some plans for tonight but God had known that all along and was constructing something bigger than I could have known!

Maybe it's seeing the changes in other people's lives, in my own. Seeing that other people want to love people too, and are actively doing it. (Thank you to whatever Jewish society on campus was handing out free falafel on the Oval today - mmmm that hit the spot!) Maybe it's loving people for their potential rather than for the person they are acting out as. Maybe it's "doing life" with people around us...being involved with them, loving them, and sometimes feeling the love back.

And maybe, just maybe....it's getting the plank out of my own eye before I try to extract the splinter from others'.

All I know is that right now, I feel extremely loved and honored to be a part of whatever God has planned for my life, or even just the rest of my days left on this campus.

I want to love people right. I know I'm not doing that....God, help me to love them like You love them, see them as You see them, give them mercy and grace just as You gave me. Because as I keep finding out over and over, I'm not able to do it alone.

This right here is amazing. "Blessed Are The Merciful" by Beautiful Eulogy. Hits every part of me.

"Are you merciful? Why? Because Jesus healed the sick, because Jesus fed the multitudes, because Jesus gave legs to the crippled, because Jesus gave sight to the blind, because Jesus opened the ears of the deaf, because Jesus found prostitutes and tax collectors and drew them into the sphere of His love, because Jesus touched the untouchable and loved the unlovable and forgave the unforgivable and welcomed the undesirable, because Jesus even now saves the otherwise un-saveable...Why? Because they deserve it?! When the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared He saved us, not because of works done in righteousness, not because we met Him half-way, not because we took the proper steps forward and in good faith have elevated ourselves to the place of the undeserving poor, but according to His MERCY....
We are here because Jesus Christ didn't say with cold indifference, 'Give them what they deserve, they brought it on themselves.' Jesus Christ IS the mercy of God. And seeing us in our misery and need, He doesn't just feel for us, He takes the necessary action to relieve our distress. He leaves the eternal glory of heaven and the perfect fellowship of the Trinity, He condescends TO us, lives AMONG us, suffers LIKE us, dies FOR us! Do you understand this? Have you EXPERIENCED this? How then is it possible to experience it, and not display it? IT ISN'T POSSIBLE! You haven't experienced it if you don't display it! The evidence of God's mercy in your life isn't determined by how much theology you know, by how many books you read, but by your ACTIVE GOODNESS to people in misery and in need. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy."

To whomever is reading this:  please go download Beautiful Eulogy's albums on NoiseTrade.com and take a listen. The lyrics are powerful and Gospel-focused. They're challenging. They're...beautiful. Praise God for their talent.

God, open my eyes, fill my heart and remind me of why I'm here...to love You and to love others, to love them enough to want them to be with You too...

Peace & Blessings